Thursday, January 19, 2006

and she's up

standing, i mean. at 10 months and 2 days, ella's whole world changed yet again. all the stages feel monumental, and i realize walking will be one of the biggest...but what i wasn't anticipating was how different life is now that she's pulling up to her feet! it's so fun to watch her pop right up and start trying to grab at anything in her line of sight.

therefore, we have entered into phase 3 of ella-proofing. today all the pictures on the endtable next to the couch went away. i suppose they'll be back someday when there's actually a point in trying to explain that they are not for grabbing, chewing, or just knocking down. we're trying to figure out those battles - i am currently in the "no, ma'am, no shoes in the mouth" phase. cause that's just plain gross. now that she's standing, she is even more fascinated with laptops, and has commenced pulling off the letter keys and (of course) putting them in her mouth. um, danger!

this curious little baby loves exploring, and has claimed a couple of spots for her own play. under the dining room table, and under her high chair. i like to think of them as her little forts, but whatever they are to her, she has a lot of fun.

and she Definitely knows how to wave now. well, wave her entire arm, but she knows she's doing it, and uses it appropriately.

Also, she experienced her first true family meal last night. again, the crock-pot was employed, and ella got some of the goods. potatoes and carrots, for the record. and one more record...ella got her first shiner. not exactly her eye, but her cheekbone. boo.

ella has just now pulled up on my leg, and i'm smelling something that Must be attended to.


Liz said...

soooo cute!! i miss you guys. :(

Anonymous said...

I thought its cold in TN this time a year but yet Ella wears no closes. I just bought one of Andy's cd - though apparently I should of bouugh more. ;)

Nicole said...

Go Ella! I can't believe how much has changed since I saw her last.