Tuesday, April 14, 2009

snippets from today

* As I'm changing Sadie's clothes, she looks over my shoulder and exclaims, Mommy! You put God on my monkey! I look behind me and someone has, indeed, stuck a picture of Jesus on the monkey's foot. A Jesus-with-His-arms-spread sticker that says "Jesus is Risen."

That monkey now has a name. Andy has been (not so) subliminally trying to get Sadie on board with the moniker for a couple of days. It worked. Just today Sadie has started holding her monkey up to people and proclaiming This is Keith Richards!

Yes. Keith (Rolling Stones) Richards.

* The girls are playing outside until Ella rushes in to breathlessly report, Mama! Sadie's crying cause a worm ate her head!

(I'm pretty sure I snorted.)

I went outside and Sadie was whimpering in the grass, hand to her forehead.
It just bit her forehead, as a matter of fact. It's a tree worm, Ella further explained.

Oh. Got it. I guess "tree worm" is the correct term for these...

{image and description found here}

I love how their little minds work.


Christine said...

This made me laugh out loud :)

www.clairestrebeck.com said...

me too!!

Anonymous said...

a tree worm! love it. so cute.

The Morginskys said...

sadly, my favorite part of this post is knowing that the girls play outside while you are inside! i cant wait for that!!!!!!

danielle said...

i think your blog makes me laugh out loud almost every time i read it. love it. i even read it out loud to aaron today.