Tuesday, September 13, 2005

And so it begins

Here I am, the 800 billionth online journaler, and I'm sure I will say something incredibly important that no one has ever conceived of. Perfect, I end my first sentence ever with a preposition. I'm off to a good start. And I don't ever type with capital letters, but this being official and all, I thought I'd give it a whirl. It might last to the end of this entry if we're lucky.
I truly don't have that much to say - well, I'm sure I have a lot to say, but nothing I've ever thought worth sharing with the entire world. But I won't think of it that way (for the most part - don't worry, I'll do my best not to do too much soul-sharing, that could get scary). I'm here more because I have a crazy life right now, even though most of every day is spent in my house, and I want to be able to remember things that are happening. My husband has written an amazing song that speaks to me - screams to me, really. "These days, they are a river we're all floating down...Let us not take this for granted, let's not waste this second hand."
So as I go through the daily ritual with my husband and baby girl, I want to capture every moment and keep it close. I've learned in just a few short months that even the most subtle of changes adds up to almost a whole new person. I'm speaking mainly about our 6 month old, Ella. Of course, we've gone through some pretty major changes ourselves. So here is where I hope to document the exciting, mundane, and everything in-between.
A word of warning: if you stumble across this and have no interest whatsoever in reading about an incredibly squeezy baby and her goings on, I'd suggest moving on. There are no promises, but most of what I write about will most likely be filled with amazing adventures where we find our hands, stick feet in our mouths, work on cutting teeth, and are still trying to figure out what the heck that seat hanging in the doorframe is supposed to do and why does my mom keep putting me in it and looking at me with excitement and expectation?!?!


Anonymous said...

helloooo...i just love that blog of yours. i for one will love to read about the squishy tiny. i'm not sure what else to day, but that i just love your blog. it's the beast...i love it...it's just great...wonderful...fabulous...facinating...just plain swell.

Anonymous said...

it IS the beast, I mean, best, and I am excited to hear all the wonderful things you are thinking about, learning and deciding to share. And I think you're the greatest wife and mom ever. So there. I'll keep reading if you keep posting. Love you!

Liz said...

welcome to the wonderful world of blogging.

me said...

Ickle Shipenga! Welcome, my friend, welcome.

"A word of warning: if you stumble across this and have no interest whatsoever in reading about an incredibly squeezy baby and her goings on, I'd suggest moving on. "

heh. It's funny 'cause it's true. heh.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! Of course I have no prejudice and know it is the best ever. It made me laugh and made me cry--as all my favorite writing does. I love you and your precious family unit!

Jeremy said...

greetings mrs. O. this is jerry. yer blog rocks. welcome to bloggin'!

peace out,
the jerry

Anonymous said...

I've been missing you three and when someone asked me yesterday what was going on with the Osengas and I didn't know, it made me sad -- I'm looking forward to keeping up a bit more this way and hopefully with some face to face time soon!

Ali O said...

thanks, guys, for the encouragement! here we go...