Thursday, August 17, 2006

a legacy and the ivories

My parents are in town this week. They brought with them an assortment of things - including a very little and red rocking chair for Ella. First of all, Ella is currently Obsessed with chairs. Particularly ones that are her own size. During a recent trip to Pottery Barn Kids, for instance, she found every single chair in the store and gave it a sit. The children's section at the library is an overwhelmingly wonderful place because not only does it have little tables and chairs her size, it also boasts a reading area filled with little couches and easy-chairs. She tests as many out as possible - as quickly as possible.

So her very own Ella-sized chair in her very own house? And it rocks? Too good to be true. She doesn't go five minutes without giving it a quick sit and rock. What she will come to appreciate one day is that her great-great-grandfather gave this very chair to her Nana (i.e. my mom) when she was just Ella's age. The chair is in incredible condition (probably due to the fact that none of us remember my generation ever sitting in it) - and today I tried to capture some moments.

alas, she doesn't stay very long...

and decides the camera is far more exciting.

Next we go down to the studio, where another of Ella's favorite things resides. The big, powder-blue piano.

The sweetest hands I know


Liz said...

oh my gosh. so precious.

Steph said...

how is it possible that she just gets even more cute every single time I see her? EXCEPT that I have not see YOU or her in ages....BOOOO!

Nicole said...

These are quite possible the cutest pictures I've ever seen! :) She starting to look so old.

Rebecca said...

What precious photos! Thanks for the great post.