Thursday, March 09, 2006


I've been remiss. For the greater part of last week, little Ella had a fever. It's been her first extended fever Ever, and it was a bit unsettling. Fortunately, there really weren't any other symptoms other than being alternately tired and refusing to go to sleep. But the day it spiked up to 102.7 deg, I was a sad mommy. She really was in good spirits a majority of the time, and we even went outside to play a little bit. Here she is, becoming acquainted with the great outdoors...

In about a week's time, my baby will no longer be 0. As the landmark approaches, I've become increasingly more nostalgic and have been grasping on to all of her little nuances. Her smile is often now accompanied by a toothy biting motion. Only if you're lucky do you get to see her amazingly-gapped upper teeth.

During mealtime, she tries to grab the spoon to help the eating process along. Or so I thought. If I let her take the spoon from me to feed herself, she immediately raises it up in the air, looks at it, and starts shaking with excitement. I've been reminded of both an Olympic torch bearer, and, more timely and accurately, an enthusiastic Oscar-winner.

She loves to instigate physical play. She'll look over to whoever is in the room with her, and as a smirk crosses her face, she'll slowly lay down on her back and wait to be tickled. Then when you actually Do tickle her, she howls in laughter. This is definitely one of my current favorites.

She's learned to kiss. If we ask her (and she's in the right mood) she'll lean in and let us give her a little peck on the lips. When it actually happens, it's heart-melting. I've been asking for the last couple of days, and have gotten turned down every time. However, her daddy had been out of town for a day, and when he came home and asked for a kiss, he got two in a row. She Then leaned in a kissed him three times Unsolicited. He totally wins.

We have a ritual before naptime. She nurses, then we rock for a while. For the last 11 months, she's rested her head somewhere between my chest and the crook of my neck. Several days ago, she abandoned that for a new position. Wait for it...she lays her back down on my lap. Her head either balances on the edge of my knees or tilts slightly backwards. I have no idea why she loves this new angle so much, but i keep rocking, and she often hums along as I sing "Lullabye."

Dancing is the new craze. When Any type of music (cds, movies, cell phone rings, toys, Andy playing guitar, even me singing a capella) starts up, that little body starts bouncing up and down. Sitting, matter. Sometimes she'll throw an arm up in the air (which is disconcertingly like her mother) or start clapping (she still doesn't move her left hand when doing so).

While listening to said music, it is very important that we put a barricade up in front of the DVD player. It's one of Ella's most favorite toys, and she Loves pushing all the buttons. Especially the power button. Pre-barricade we would hear about 30 seconds of the first song on a CD. Over and over and over and over. I captured this moment a few weeks ago.

Note, also, the scrape on the bridge of her nose. Until yesterday that was her only nose injury. As she was happily cruising along our furniture, though, she took a rough tumble headfirst into the loveseat. Much screaming ensued, as did her very first nosebleed. It was very very sad. We called her pediatrician, and they said to not let her nap more than an hour right after the injury, in order to stave off concussion. Poor babes. Her nose isn't nearly as swollen today.

On a completely non-child-related note, I caved and started a MySpace page. I really, truly don't know why. I don't plan on blogging there, I have about zero information on my page, and it's just another website for me to be obsessed with. It Is kinda fun to click around and discover people that you knew way back when. But never fear, gentle readers, this is my one true love. Go Blogspot!


_steve said...

The return of Ella stories!!!

Steph said...

LOVE the photos and the stories....I need to update my blog...yikes. I have written on my myspace but I need to do that here...anyway....see you tonight?/this weekend!