Wednesday, February 07, 2007

family of four

It's official - we're a family. Yes, "family" is quite the relative (heh heh) term these days - but it wasn't until Miss Sadie arrived that I thought, "THIS is what having a family feels like."

In trying to find the perfect words to describe these past couple of months I'm left spluttering and stuttering. All the good things meshed with all the crazy things - and if you've gotten half a glance at me since December 4, 2006, I'm pretty sure you got hit by the bags under my eyes that, I fear, might be a permanent fixture.

I was not prepared for the upheaval that is two kids under 2. Yeah, yeah - I heard it was Hard, Sleepless, Insane - but those were just terms to me. Words that don't truly encompass the overwhelming thing that is Parenting. Heck, not even parenting, just keeping two tiny humans Alive.

I never quite knew there were so many areas in my life in which I could feel Far less than adequate (example: this blog). And I don't even have a job outside the home! I'm still fighting the fact that it's Impossible to give 100% of my attention to both of my children at the same time. That my home can Not realistically be completely clean and organized. That there are events I just can't make because my Tiny Twin needs to nurse. That playdates are on pause until the winter crud passes and we can give my infant a chance to kick the cold she's had since her second week of life. That my husband and I must work harder than we thought possible at having a conversation that isn't somehow related to (or affected by) children. That I won't get more than a couple hours of sleep in a row for a Very long time.

I say all this not to complain. Oh, no. I am merely setting the stage for all further entries that will be tainted by that ever-ellusive maiden of the night.

All these truths brought about by one of the sweetest, cuddliest, Craziest, most passionate infants with the cutest set of dimples to come my way (excuse me while I pause to change both of our clothes, as she has just "Poopied" - to quote my older child - all over my lap...smiling and cooing the entire time).

I am crazy in love with this new, tiny babe. Here's a quick glimpse...Stories and antecdotes to follow.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! I love the pictures. I'm excited to hang out once all our little ones are healthy.


Jeremy said...

awesome pics. Eli is excited to hang out with the Osenga girls!


Anonymous said...

Is this a blog update? Wow! :)

It's good to hear from you. The girls are adorable.

adrienne said...

Da da da da da da daaaaaaaa! A new blog entry...I can hardly control my excitement! And I am more than just pleasantly surprised!

Steph said...

dude....I do believe that you all have created the two most beautiful babies that seem to look insanely like one parent each. So cute. And so happy that you updated. Hope to see all of you soon

Liz said...

hey ali-o,

i miss you and your little family unit already! but i'm so glad i had the chance to hang out with ya'll for a bit before heading back to the big k. it was sooo much fun.

take care and keep the udpdates rolling! (when you have time, of course, between poopy diapers, feedings, and baths...)
