Tuesday, October 03, 2006

home again

No matter how great of a trip was had, it's always good to come home. It's kind of strange knowing that I won't be leaving again until the baby's born. My cut-off date for flying is next week, long drives have become pretty brutal, so here I stay.

I am in no way lacking for things to do. No no. I am part of a women's group that is currently going through a book about getting your home organized, and I am feeling all-at-once intimidated and inspired. You see, I am one of Those people who have high hopes and good intentions for being organized, but something gets lost in translation and I end up frustrated and missing weddings because I misplaced the invitation.

I dare not attempt to make gradiose statements such as "This all changes today" or "I will never be disorganized again" or "I am the all-around coolest girl in town." I realize it takes a lot more than a week, or even a month or two, of being really motivated. It's a process of figuring out what works for us.

So today I made the all-important pilgrimage to Target. Armed with my new life-saving manual I scoured the organizational aisles, and am feeling pretty darn good about things. Oh, and really daunted. But that's ok. My little gem says to work on one room for 15 minutes a day, then forget it til the next. Anybody can do that, right?

My first room to work on will be the new baby's nursery. Because, well, it's nowhere near ready. It's still housing all of our games and CDs and tote bags (of which there are a lot because I have a slight addiction to large carry-alls) and a chest of drawers brimming with everything under the sun except for clothes...yes, there is a lot to be done. But it will get done. And painted. And we will buy crib number two. And then we will have a baby. In that order, preferably.

Speaking of, I'm off to my 30 week check-up (out of 40 for anyone who's trying to calculate). Then again, Ella arrived at week 38...


Steph said...

I can't believe that you are already that far along. Seriously she will be here before we all know it. Wow! So exciting! Good luck with all of your organizational stuff...you are far better than I, my friend.

Liz said...

I still have a hard time believing you're preggo, let alone almost to the birthing point. You weren't even pregnant when I left, which is such a weird thought. But I do, however, recall making such a prediction before leaving....;)