Sunday, August 20, 2006

grapes and teens

So I've started reading "Grapes of Wrath." I'm only a fourth of the way through, but I'm definitely intrigued. I haven't read Steinbeck in a couple of years - he's brilliant and has a way of exhausting all emotion. It's good to work my brain again. I just finished an absolute mindless book about a young twenty-something tutoring spoiled NY's Upper East-Siders for their SATs. I know. Don't look for it. Not worth it.

A few minutes ago, I flipped on the "Teen Choice Awards." Whoa. I thought I was pretty in touch with what's going on in pop-culture. But when I don't even recognize some of the nominees? It's then I feel all 7 years that's it's been since I've been a teen. I also don't like feeling like a fuddy-duddy, but when "Promiscuous Girl," by Nelly Fur(stupid)tado won in some category, I admit feeling disheartened. In her acceptance speech, she encouraged kids to use protection during their little escapades. Timbaland (who performed with her) leaned in and said, "Don't be promiscuous." Andy and I laughed. Good ole T.

I guess we'll keep watching while we're waiting for our pizza to arrive. There Are some drama moments to anticipate. Will Nick and Jessica cross paths? Will K-Fed suck (wait. I believe I already know the answer to that)? Oh, the "Choice Grill" award (yes, that means gold/diamond/platinum teeth just went to Brooke Hogan. I personally think it should have gone to Flavor Flav. oh good, pizza's here.

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