Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Due to my frequent viewership of Keely, Kierstin, Jenni, and Christine's blogs, I also love this digital picture treatment by some fine Japanese internet establishment. Don't be daunted by the non-English aspect of the site...simply upload your photo and click the blue button!

I thought I would showcase all of Ella's birthdays (March 16) ... all but her actual Birth Day including cake.





i have now photo-antiqued away the greater part of Sadie's morning nap. i have also noted that with each subsequent birthday, there is less-to-no frosting on my child's face. hooray, Ella!


As my children finished their supper last night, I realized I had not left my premises all day. Sometimes I am fine with that, but last night I was feeling restless. Andy had just left for a photo-shoot (how many girls can say that about their husbands without batting an eyelash?), and I wasn't feeling particularly excited about handling the nighttime routine alone.

The solution? A trip to CVS. I packed the girls in the car to pollute two blocks of Mother Earth (it was raining and I don't have a rain-cover for the double stroller) to do some mindless wandering. They squealed with delight when they saw the shopping cart with the car-thingy on the front, and piled in as fast as they could.

I had nothing in particular to buy. I grabbed a box of animal crackers that the girls shared while I pushed them down the aisles. We said hello to fellow patrons, and I marveled (yet again) at how much stuff a drugstore sells. Like office furniture. I caught myself harmonizing (rather loudly) with Toni Braxton to "Unbreak My Heart" as we rounded the greeting card aisle. Where people were watching me.

As we headed down the toy aisle (where my children were gloriously silent), I spotted an Ernie (from Sesame Street) doll lying in a box surrounded by Cookie Monsters. THIS was the reason I came to CVS, I just didn't know it! For, you see, my one year old loves Ernie. Her father and I are mystified by this. Never have we once talked about Ernie. She's watched Sesame Street a handful of times, but usually it's just the Elmo's World segment. Yet, whenever she sees Ernie on her little Pampers she says his name like a broken record like her life depends on it.

I plucked him from the box and placed him in her little hands. Immediately she clutched him to her chest. He's been there ever since.

Monday, April 28, 2008

tiny morsel

There are several posts in the queue waiting to be tweaked and published. At some point they will face the interwebs, but for now I will leave you with my current favorite snapshot of Sadie and me.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Alison: (gasping for air from laughing) Andy, come in here and look at these chickens running!!! Have you ever seen chickens run?

Andy: Yes, I've seen plenty of chicken running. If you will recall I am from a farm-town.

Alison: No you're not. Farms surround your town. You lived in a town. How would I know if you've seen chickens run? My grandparents had chickens, and I don't remember seeing a bunch of them running at the same time.

Andy: Well, I have. (clearly not as amused as I am or think he should be). Oh, Eric and I were talking about how both our wives watch this show, and neither of us understand why you guys like it. Why, when our own children go to bed, would you want to watch this? It stresses me out to even be in the same room when it's on.

Alison: Well, I like it. I'm going to watch another episode until you're ready for me to cut your hair.

Andy: goes into the kitchen and sets up the clippers. still not very amused. and definitely not wanting to be in the same room as me and my show.

Friday, April 11, 2008

dinner of champions

3 bites of...

plus 2 cups of...

I'm tired, people.

a Contradiction would be...

...buying seven bags of organic groceries, then hitting the Taco Bell drive-thru on the way home. circa 10:30 at night.

* I felt highly disgusting by 10:34pm *